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Ant Pest Control In The Kitchen

Ants are known as the “forest and garden police” and take on important tasks in the ecosystem.  In the kitchen, however, the highly regarded ants quickly become an unwelcome thief and destroyer that is often difficult to get rid of.

So that it doesn’t get that far, prevention and ant pest control should be a priority.

Proper pest control: Causes of ants in the kitchen

Ants’ diets prefer food that is high in protein and sugar. In addition to dead insects and larvae, this also includes fruits, plant saps, seeds or honeydew from aphids.

But the kitchen is also the purest paradise for ants. Food can be a source of sugar and protein with which they can supply the ants’ nest. Some food sources are particularly attractive to ants:

  • overflowing or leaking trash cans
  • Leftover food
  • spilled sugary liquids
  • humidity

Once the first ant, often referred to as a scout, has discovered the way into the kitchen, it doesn’t take long before others follow it. Ants don’t stop at electrical devices either. If they populate toasters or kettles, a cable fire can even be triggered. Since ants attack supplies as well as electrical devices, one also speaks of supply or material pests.

Prevention: The most effective method against ants in the kitchen

You should take preventive action so that ants do not even get into the kitchen.

You can take preventive action against ants in the kitchen with these environmentally-friendly measures:

Pest control

  • Seals cracks and holes with putty or tape.
  • Keep food tightly closed, this also applies to food in the refrigerator.
  • Eliminates leftover food and puts away dirty dishes immediately.
  • Closes the bin properly and empties it regularly. Organic waste in particular attracts ants.
  • Seals supplies securely in containers with a rubber seal in the lid.
  • You should only set up pet bowls when necessary.
  • You should check potted plants that you move from the garden into your apartment for an ant infestation beforehand.
  • Plant growth on the house makes it easier for ants to enter the house. So removes long branches that touch the house wall or unwanted greening on the house facade.

These measures can help you get rid of ants in your dining area, kitchen, and every part of the house.
